1 Jul 2018

June solar data available

The data for June is already available. Unsurprisingly, it shows sunspot numbers up on the previous month. Don't be fooled. The most probable trajectory is a further slow decline to the next minimum probably next year or the year after.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/

Interesting that this site thinks the solar minimum could be this year. We will see in another few years. I quote:
While smaller spots with the correct polarity alignment of cycle 25 regions have been observed at high latitude locations as early as 2016, this overview will only include spots large enough to have been visible at a 1K resolution. In the case of reversed polarity cycle 24 regions, those that are not at a sufficiently high latitude (ie. 30 degrees or more), are considered most likely to belong to cycle 24 and will not be included in this list until closer to the actual solar cycle minimum (likely to be sometime between April and December 2018).

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