2 Jul 2018

6m FT8 RX

Not a great day. Spots from the Baltic area and around the UK but nothing else today so far.

UPDATE 1514z: There you go - I speak and 6m FT8 opens up! Stations in France, Italy and Sicily spotted on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1632z:  Now Es from all over the place in Europe on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2010z: Whilst using my V2000 vertical omni on the 2m FM net I gather an HH (Haiti) was coming through on 6m FT8. I missed him! EA8JK (2999km) was worked on 6m FT8. As always, I was using 2.5W to my V2000 vertical omni fed with CB coax.

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