9 May 2018

Trump and the Iran nuclear deal - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am an outsider looking in, but I find President Trump hard to follow on the international stage.

Exactly what does he expect to achieve? Most in the world think the Iran nuclear deal should carry on.  President Trump does not.

So what will Iran do? Further destabilise the Middle East? No, my personal view is this man is dangerous and is a loose cannon on the world stage. Does he ever listen to advisors?

Why did so many in the USA voted him into office? "America first"? Recreating the America of 1950 is a dream, not a reality. The world is an interconnected place in the 21st century.  King Canute tried to stop the tides and failed. Trump will fail and sooner or later and the good people of the USA will realise this.  Building a wall with Mexico? Stopping steel from China? At the moment the US government and president are the butt of jokes around the planet.

Where are the values that really make America great?

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44049532

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