6 May 2018

President Trump - NOT amateur radio

OK, I have tried very hard to remain open minded, but personally I find his latest address to the NRA about blood on the floors of a UK hospital of little value. Yes, we do have a knife crime issue in some parts of some groups in the UK. In my view guns are not the answer to knife crime.

If I understand him correctly, his NRA address is aimed firmly at the powerful gun lobby in the USA.  Most of his tweets come from the hip it seems.  Who does he think he is? A wild west fighter from the 1800s?  No sir, you are meant to be leader of the free world! Instead many in the free world think you are just ignorant and stupid.  Sadly, we have very few truly great potential leaders.  The world is in great need of inspiring leaders.

My recommendation to him?  Please, just shut up. Read your briefs and stop spouting rubbish, especially if you are unclear of real facts on the international stage. If the good people of the USA elected you, that is fine. Internationally is a very different matter. The leader of the free world must be a person who is above reproach and highly respected on the world stage. 

These are my personal views based on what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears.   Others are perfectly entitled to have different views. A true democracy would be very weak if we were not entitled to say how we feel freely and openly. I respect the right of people to hold views very different from mine.

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