7 May 2018

Es season and getting outdoors

We are now in the Es season in the northern hemisphere and 10m and 6m will be good for low power DXing now for several months. On bands like 10m and 6m DX on SSB should be workable out to around 1500km with 1W or less. Often signals are very strong.

This is a good time to venture outdoors to a quiet electrical environment with a QRP rig. One advantage of a whip antenna is the whole rig can be moved around to get the best signal. Use a counterpoise.

There are some tips on pedestrian portable operation on my website. I guarantee you will not be disappointed! Many will be surprised how easy it can be. Whatever, it is a great way to enjoy sunshine and our hobby. Even outside the Es season DX can be worked, but the next few months are good.

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