29 Apr 2018

Sainsbury's and Asda merger? - NOT amateur radio

There is no doubt that all over the world, the retail market is changing. More and more of us are buying goods online as it is so convenient and fast: you no longer have to take the car to town and often prices are better.

As an example my wife bought 3 lens caps for her camera. These came with free airmail from Hong Kong at prices way below UK retail prices in town. A few years ago I bought a kit radio transceiver from China. Even with free airmail it was cheaper than just one part in the UK. I built it and it worked first time. It is no wonder stores like Maplin in the UK are suffering.

The big supermarkets are suffering and looking to make economies and yet still trying to get us to come into their stores. This is happening all over the world.

I have no idea how this will end, but the big supermarkets have to adapt or go out of business. It is a very difficult environment and lots of well known brands will die. In 20 years our high streets will be quite different. We live in a time of rapid and great change.

Now we hear Sainsbury's and Asda are in merger talks. These are large UK food stores. A merger is likely followed by store closures and rationalisation.

In our own local town (Newmarket) Waitrose is already struggling and will suffer more when a new Aldi store opens. Although my wife enjoys visiting food stores, I'd be happy to buy on line and I am typical.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43933517

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