28 Apr 2018

10m FT8 today

10m FT8 is off to a good start today with 3 different stations spotted in 3 countries with best DX on RX being EA1AKS (1037km).

Last night, 10m FT8 opened to South America again. At times 10m really surprises. Solar conditions are not good, but still we get N-S openings. I noticed that stations in the Canary Is were working Caribbean and Mexico on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 1442z:  Currently 9 different stations spotted in 4 countries, all in Europe so far today.

UPDATE 1805z: Now 12 different stations in 4 countries.

UPDATE 2113z: Time to go QRT. 10 South Americans spotted today on 10m FT8. Best DX spotted was LU8HGI (11258km) in Corduba, Argentina at -23dB S/N.

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