18 Mar 2018

That nerve agent - NOT amateur radio

Although the "considered opinion" is that Russia was behind the nerve agent attack in the UK recently, nagging doubts remain. If we could totally trust our government, I might feel differently.

As it is, we need independent proof that this was definitely Russia and not the UK out to cause mischief. One could argue that the Russians would not be stupid to use a nerve agent clearly with Russian origins. On the other hand, Russia does not exactly have a "whiter than white" record.

But, we have to remember that history often shows we are not always whiter than white. Propaganda is a murky affair: one can never be totally sure who is telling the truth. In reality both the Russians and the UK will have secret agendas and the true story is probably hard to discern.

One thing is likely: the Russians will attempt a cyber attack on the UK in the coming days. If nothing else, this is a perfect excuse. Watch out NHS, National Grid and banks.

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