8 Mar 2018

Sexism - NOT amateur radio

Times have changed. When I started work lots of people smoked and it was the norm. Women got wolf-whistled at. Looking back, this was disrespectful. Women have every right to be treated as equals. Paying women less than men for the same job is wrong.

However, in some ways we have, perhaps, swung too far. Now, it seems, adverts and the TV have to have a token ethnic minority, gay, black or handicapped actor to be "fair". It is a bit like work, where in my latter years people were (re)discovering ideas that we had 40 years ago. To be honest, it was boring and I had had enough.

Personally I think everyone deserves respect and the right to just be themselves, but we have to be careful not to lose sight of reality. These days it is all too easy to turn to litigation when what is needed is a bit of common sense.

As they say, "what goes around comes around". Let's treat all minorities fairly, but keep an eye on reality.

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