15 Mar 2018

mcHF clones

There has been quite a bit of interest in this HF transceiver project. At one time MLS was going to sell a Chinese clone, but had second thoughts. You can buy this Chinese clone direct from China. It is much less than the FT817/818.

There is a German derivative coming called the OV140. At the time of writing, kits are not yet available. This is open source hardware and software. It looks like this will be good when it comes.

See https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/projects/ovi40-sdr#start

See also http://www.m0nka.co.uk/


  1. They stopped selling the Chinese copy of the mcHF because the design was stolen from M0KIA. and when ML&S found out they stopped selling it.

  2. Sorry I Meant mcHF was M0NKAs Design.
