1 Mar 2018

2m FT8 RX

About 10 minutes ago I moved to 2m FT8 RX. It seems quite busy.

UPDATE 1540z: Best DX on RX is DF8JO (535km). In just 20 minutes I have spotted 11 unique stations in 3 countries!

UPDATE 1810z: 20 uniques now in 4 countries.  Amazing with an omni antenna.

UPDATE 2030z:  Now 26 uniques in 4 countries.


  1. Hi Roger, do you have a vertical or a horizontal polarized antenna? 73 Paul PAØK

  2. I use a horizontally polarised big-wheel. This has a gain over a dipole of 2-3dB but in every direction, so needs no rotator. It is 3 phased full waves. Great for my sort of SSB/CW/FT8 operations. See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/bigwheel .

  3. Hi

    Roger very surprised how well FT8 works on 2m DK1VC is received here daily. Looking forward to trying it out on 6m this summer. Looking for my first JA on 6m almost did it with jt65 last year.
