10 Mar 2018

2m FT8 RX (this is getting too easy!)

Yet again, I am monitoring 2m FT8 RX on 144.174MHz. 31 unique stations in 7 countries spotted so far today.  Best DX spotted is DK2DTF (644km).

UPDATE 1242z: 35 uniques in 7 countries so far today.
UPDATE 1526z: 42 uniques in 8 countries on 2m FT8 RX so far today. When I was briefly on TX (2.5W) this morning, 3 stations spotted me including GW6TEO (371km).

UPDATE 1604z: In the last 15 minutes I briefly transmitted with 2.5W to my big-wheel antenna. I got reports from as far away as Devon. In just the last 2 hours 22 uniques in 5 countries spotted.

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