2 Jan 2018

Cheque Book Amateur Radio

When browsing earlier, I chanced on this video. It made me sick.

According to this ham you need a linear, a big ATU, a big SWR bridge and several high cost radios to enjoy the hobby. Total rubbish in my view!!!

In my view, not one of these are needed. Each to their own, and how people choose to spend their disposable income is their decision. However, it is not necessary to spend vast amounts to enjoy amateur radio. For the cost of the income from a few paper-rounds or meals/drinks out with friends you can buy or build a rig capable of spanning the globe with a simple wire antenna. Just don't believe this total crap.


  1. I think I would be in the divorce court by now.

    If there was no market for the £5000 rig they wouldn't make it, so each to their own I suppose?

    For me I have to think of putting shoes on my daughters feet, and keeping the roof over our heads. I guess much of rig buying today is done on credit, if I ain't got it I don't have it..

    73 Steve

  2. I don't begrudge anyone spending large sums on a hobby. What irritates me is the smug attitude from these same people toward those that *don't*. I don't envy them, but I don't look down on them, either. I wish they would return the favour.
    - KD0TLS
