24 Jan 2018

10m FT8 RX

Since 1330z I have been on 10m FT8 RX. No spots as yet.

We are some months way from the main Es season, sunspot numbers are low and openings brief. Nonetheless 10m FT8 does open and it is worth keeping an eye out.

I have been amazed how far away stations are copied on 10m FT8. People desert the 10m band assuming it is dead, when many days it is open, albeit briefly, to somewhere far away. My strong recommendation is monitor 10m FT8 and be prepared to be surprised. On many days it has opened to some DX location.

UPDATE 1715z: Today has been the exception! No spots today so far. I'll stay on 10m FT8 for a while longer, ever hopeful.

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