8 Dec 2017

BREXIT latest - NOT amateur radio

As many may remember I voted "remain" in the UK referendum over whether, or not, we should leave the EU. There is much wrong with the EU, but, on balance, I thought remaining was the lesser of two evils. Overall, the UK narrowly voted to leave the EU. 

Presently, the UK and EU are negotiating on the separation deal. There are tough negotiations ahead. At least the first set of hurdles appear to be behind us.

It is in the interest of both the EU and UK to reach an outcome that is good for all. Personally, I think we would have voted "remain" had the EU recognised how important (to the UK) was the control of our immigration and made some concessions in this regard for the UK. They did not, and the EU will suffer as the UK leaves - fewer rich nations to pay the bills of the EU.

It would not surprise me if the EU falls apart in the next 20 years. There are already cracks. The UK has always wanted trade, but placed less importance on security and a federal Europe. Perhaps the UK leaving the EU "club" was inevitable?

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42277040 .

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