3 Nov 2017

Parliamentary Sex Scandal - NOT amateur radio

Times have changed.

When I was younger, girls were wolf-whistled at often. Putting ones hand on a knee was commonplace. Now, I am not saying this was right, just that it happened.

These politically correct days you can no longer do these things or you face the sack. In many ways, things are fairer nowadays, but personally I think the pendulum has swung too far. Open your mouth and say the wrong words and you are in jail!

When a real crime has been committed,  let the full force of the law be felt. When it was meant as innocent fun, let it go.

Also, I am a great believer in a trial in a court of law. A person is innocent until found guilty in law. It is wrong for the press and TV to besmirch a person beforehand. As they say, "mud sticks" and many an innocent person has a reputation for life. If guilty then a court of law will prove this.


  1. In amongst all this daft dust, how does a man ask a girl out anymore, without her calling the police?

    Glad I am married!

    73 Steve

  2. "The meek" seem to be inheriting the earth alas...

  3. Ridiculous comments by men who do not understand the role they play in prolonging sexism. This has nothing to do with political correctness. Its about objectification and power. If you think wolf whistling was some innocent act and that women should be grateful to be oggeled for sexual satisfaction then you are part of the problem. And you wonder why they are so few women in amateur radio - just listen to the mysoginistic claptrap on air. As for asking out a female - same as it ever was. Get a grip.

  4. "Now, I am not saying this was right, just that it happened."

    My PERSONAL view is that unwanted sexual approaches are ALWAYS wrong and ALWAYS have been. All I am saying is that what might have been acceptable in the 1950s, 60s, or 70s is definitely not acceptable today. My views have not changed. My main point is that the law is there to prove guilt, not newspapers trying to increase circulation.

  5. "Ridiculous comments by men who do not understand the role they play in prolonging sexism."

    That's quite an assumption. Myself and several colleagues were bullied and belittled by female boss. My health and career suffered. A number of male colleagues were likewise affected. One had a breakdown and one began self harming.

    Equality should mean we are ALL treated with dignity.

    There is such a thing as over compensating by knee jerk reaction. Pun not intended but actually.. Demonisation of men is not the answer.

    "just listen to the mysoginistic (sic) claptrap on air."

    Amateur Radio licence conditions were clear when some of us, including those who should know better, obtained them last century. No discussion of politics, religion, no use of profanity etc. There has been a fall in standards but the departments previously responsible (GPO, DTI Radio Communication Division) have effectively gone and have been replaced by a spectrum sales and admin department.

    Does lack of female operators mirror a lack of female engineers? Is there still sexism in education? Where are the new influx of male operators? "what is an analogue radio?"
    I doubt that women are being put off of radio. How many people, male, female, trans or otherwise, know of short wave radio or amateur radio? Precious few. My school knew nothing about such things and that was several decades ago. Any lady operators I have heard have been treated with utmost politeness by fellow hams. If there were more lady operators I believe the careless banter would reduce through self enforcement.
