21 Oct 2017

Driving and mobile phones - NOT amateur radio

Whilst driving along yesterday I narrowly missed being hit by a car driven by a young girl who seemed to be texting.

My son's 28 year old brother-in-law was struck by a car several weeks ago. He has a brain injury, many broken bones and is still unconscious in an Australian hospital. He is fighting for his life. At the time he was a pedestrian crossing on green. The driver (busy on her phone I think) went through a red light and just ploughed him down. His family, his girlfriend and her will be affected for life.

So, PUT YOUR MOBILE PHONE AWAY WHEN DRIVING. People can wait. Concentrate on driving!!

1 comment:

  1. A couple of weeks ago I was nearly shunted up the rear, again the driver was on the phone.

    They want banning from being turned on in the car completely while driving..

    73 Steve.
