8 Mar 2017

6m DX and HF noise

This morning I returned to 6m MSK144 RX.  SK0TM (1156km) has already been spotted, presumably by random MS.

This mode is amazing as it allows 6m DX irrespective of solar conditions and Es. Yes, with Es such stations are workable with a very simple TX station, but it makes 6m useful at any time, in any month, of any year.

As the solar activity quietens I can see more and more moving to VHF and seeking new challenges. Certainly here the VHF and UHF bands are relatively noise free. Here, in what was a quiet village,160m, 80m and 40m have a lot of noise these days. It must be worse in a city. In the next 10-20 years I can see the noise floor becoming an increasing limit to amateur operations: those who can overcome such issues will be at a great advantage.

UPDATE 1040z: EI7BMB (462km) has now been spotted strongly on 6m MSK144. Aircraft?

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