15 Feb 2017

Russian hacking? - NOT amateur radio

It is funny, but the number of visits to my blogs increases a lot on some days. When I check, the visits from Russia also are much greater on those days. I suspect hackers are looking to see if the blogs are worth hacking. Of course I could be entirely wrong.

Any dubious comments are soon deleted and I have little of interest to hackers on my blogs. If you see anything odd, please let me know.

By the way, my Miracle Whip Yahoo group seems to attract Asian women promising much. I wonder why?

Several Russians have been very kind to me. Like Americans, I have found individuals to be warm and kind. In every society there are "rotten eggs" sadly. I am sure the UK has many too.


  1. Have the same thing with my blog Roger. Last month I had 3000 visitors in 1 day!! All russian. Couldn't find out what they are looking at (use analitics as well, but didn't show me). Very suspicious but so far nothing happened yet with my blog. 73, Bas

  2. Similar things here as well but I usually find that one of my blogspots has been re-posted on a foreign blog site which gets a lot of the domestic traffic there checking the link to my blog ... probably to check it out further.

    Steve VE7SL
