8 Nov 2016

70cm UKAC activity contest this evening

As this is the second Tuesday in the month, it should be the 70cm leg of the UKAC activity contest organised by the RSGB. My 2m halo is a good match on 70cm. Although a very poor antenna, I shall be on at 2000z (ish) to work a few stations before my voice shouts "no"! Usually I am on for less than 60  minutes, often much less.

UPDATE 2048z: I stayed on for about 10 minutes only and had 1 contact. Although conditions on 70cm weren't too bad, the level of activity seemed low to me. GB3UHF (432.430MHz) beacon was -9dB here on JT65B on the FT817 with a 2m halo fed with lossy coax, which is quite good. The beacon is in JO01 square.

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