11 Sept 2016

6m JT65 and 10m WSPR this morning

As I tend to get better results on 6m JT65 (in the UK) than on 10m, I decided on 6m JT65 and 10m WSPR today, at least until this afternoon. 4 UK spots of my 2W ERP already on 6m JT65 plus a couple of UK 6m spots of others. Nothing yet on 10m WSPR apart from an early spot by G4KPX (14km) who I think must have changed bands or gone QRT. No Es as yet and no F2.

UPDATE 1006z: I see that LB5JE (1152km) was spotted on 6m JT65 at 0934z. This must have been Es. Sept 11th but still seeing some Es on 6m.

UPDATE 1240z: 5 UK spots of my 6m QRP JT65 before I QSYed to 10m.

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