9 Sept 2016

10m JT65

A South American was eventually spotted last evening on 10m JT65: PU3AMB (10431km) in Brazil. Today, I am sticking with 10m JT65 all day, but things are quiet so far with no Es and no UK spots as yet and certainly no F2. As we get more into autumn we may see some F2 on 10m in the daytime from Africa and even the USA.

UPDATE 1110z: Still no spots here yet on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1215z: EB5AYE (1418km) was spotted at 1158z from IM99 square. I assume this is 10m Es.

UPDATE 1245z: No more 10m Es seen.

UPDATE 1450z: No further spots on 10m JT65 here.

UPDATE 1456z: I just re-synced the PC to internet time to be sure, although this should happen automatically every 1000 seconds. It was also a check that the WSJT-X software and PC were OK as things were quiet. All was fine.
Last 24 hours on 10m JT65
UPDATE 1652z: OH3NE (1737km) recently spotted me on 10m JT65 by Es.

UPDATE 2132z: F5RRS (819km) has spotted my 10m JT65 in the last 20 minutes, but no South Americans.

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