17 May 2016

Quiet day - NOT amateur radio

Our Devon holiday continues. Often we hit bad weather, but so far we've been lucky with lots of sun. Today we are doing some washing, going into Kingsbridge for some shopping, and going around to my brothers for tea.
Ivor Dewdney pasties and local strawberries
Tomorrow we plan another walk along the cliffs and eating out at the Sloop Inn in nearby Bantham. We have eaten here before, but when we called for a coffee one winter's morning on a walk with my brother we were turned away. At the time I could not believe how stupid they could be to turn away easy business ...and on the door it said they were open!! Of course, this was a few years ago and the owners have probably changed hands since then. I was very annoyed at the time, but it was their choice and their loss. All they had to do was give us coffee! Madness. We had a coffee and brandy a few miles further on.

I have been pleasantly surprised just how much I can still do despite my handicaps.  As I said yesterday, I am learning to adjust to the "me" I am now. It is far from the end.

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