16 May 2016

QRP News

This came in from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,
QRP Rendez-Vous weekly report (May 9 to 15, 2016)
Visitors  of  the week: UR7VT, RA1M, UA1CEG/p, RU3NJC, US3EN, IK2JET, IK5SRD,  GM0LVI/p, OY2CJX, R1OA, OM6TC, RV3GM, UA1ASB, RN4AO, UA1ADF, IK2RGV, UT8NR, G3UD, RJ3T, RL3DA
UT8NR became Honor Frequenter of the QRP Rendez-Vous
See  full  lists  of  Visitors  and Frequenters, also QRP Rendez-Vous
schedule here - www.club72.su
The  QRP Marathon "Look In the Horizon" finished in May 1. Thanks ALL for  activity.  The  memory  certificates  has  been  sent  to  all Marathoner's today. See you on the next 2017 year Marathon!

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

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