21 May 2016

Home again. Active on 10m WSPR

After 9 nights away, we are now home again. I have turned on the 10m WSPR (20% TX 2W, 80% RX). As the gear has only just been turned on, it may be some time before 10m WSPR spots are given or received.

UPDATE 1338z:  Just 10m WSPR spots exchanged with G4KPX (14km) at good strength so far.

UPDATE 1540z:  Still just exchanging 10m WSPR spots with G4KPX (14km).  No Es or F2 seen here today. The best report was -9dB S/N. This was probably aircraft reflection as there was a lot of Doppler.  I seem to exchange spots with Richard more typically at -11dB S/N to -20dB S/N.

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