2 May 2016

Fewer swallows definitely - NOT amateur radio

On our recent trip to Lichfield I only saw 1 swallow, confirming what I thought that there are fewer swallows around this year.

They are around now, but I have seen far fewer than in previous years.

I hope this is just a blip, although there have been far fewer house martins than years ago. Is this global warming or an El Nino effect?

1 comment:

  1. I think you have the best feathers down there..

    We have very few birds up here, maybe the odd Robins and a pair of Blackbirds, that visit us from time to time.

    Fat balls have been out all Winter untouched! Nuts occasionally, but still half full. I don't understand it, years ago we used to be over run. The only bird we have in abundance is Starlings which go mad for meal worms filling the container up every 4 or 5 days.

    73 Steve
