4 May 2016

FCC - so so S L O W .....wake me!

It is hard to believe just how slow the FCC is being over the release of the 137kHz and 472kHz bands in the USA.  Years have passed and neither band is released. The FCC is worried about interference to utilities. For goodness sake! Surely they could release both bands with a tight ERP level initially on a "non interference" basis? I moan about OFCOM but the FCC seems far far worse!

This is from the ARRL site...

"Meanwhile, the Amateur Radio community continues to await action on ET Dockets 12-338 and 15-99 that would spell out service rules for the new 2200 and 630 meter Amateur Radio bands. The FCC was expected to issue a Report and Order last fall. That subsequently got moved back to the first quarter of 2016, which also has slipped.
Regulatory provisions under consideration have included a possible notification requirement by some radio amateurs to utilities that operate PLC systems in that region of the spectrum, prior to their starting operation on either new band. Utilities use unlicensed PLC systems to control parts of the electrical power grid.
Earlier this year, the ARRL has asked the Commission not to adopt overly broad requirements to notify utilities in advance of intended Amateur Radio operation on the pending bands. The Amateur Service would gain access to 135.7-137.8 kHz (2200 meters) and 472-479 kHz (630 meters). Both bands have been used by numerous Experimental (Part 5) licensees, and the ARRL’s WD2XSH 600 Meter Experiment continues."

FCC - the world looks on and is amazed!! Wake up!! One cannot help thinking that the FCC is a pile of bureaucrats who do not understand radio. Please, release these bands in the USA.


  1. What amazes me is the number of hams here in the U.S. that seem to believe that the FCC is concerned at all about amateur radio. Every indication is that they would gladly hand off this regulation to a third party if it were only legally possible.

    The FCC is regulating billion-dollar industries: cell carriers, broadcast AM/FM/TV, cable, air, satellite, marine, public safety, business bands, land-line phone, microwave links, fibre and internet etc and etc. Ham radio rates very far down the list of priorities...and it probably should, in the Big Picture.


  2. Of course, you are right Todd. Neither the FCC nor OFCOM think Amateur Radio a high priority. Far more important to them are services that generate money.

  3. One of the problems is the FCC is an appointed position, and as Todd stated above, Amateur Radio is not a big looming issue. There is no money to be made, no political juice, no controversy at all. It's not like previous decades where the appointees took their jobs seriously. Sadly, giant Cable Company and Telecom mergers are the concerns of the day, and Ham Radio is just a footnote.

    DaveL, KF7JAF
