19 May 2016

Dayton Hamvention 2016 and the FT817

Well, if there is to be a replacement for the FT817 we are likely to hear about it this weekend at Dayton. This is the biggest amateur event in the world.

There was a rumour about this last year. If there is no announcement then I think Yaesu will have missed the boat for ever and they will not bother to replace it. I for one will be looking with interest.

What amazes me is that none of the other Japanese manufacturers has tried to beat the Yaesu FT817. ICOM?

1 comment:

  1. If there was going to be a replacement announced at Dayton, it would have been hyped for weeks already, in my opinion. Instead, the build-up (such as it is) has been about their System Fusion (C4FM) mode.

    The roll-out of Fusion has been bungled, and there's a substantial amount of disillusionment with the mode. Yaesu's gambled heavily on SF, and it's turning into a mess of firmware fragmentation with repeaters/users that aren't compatible. Any replacement for the 817 will undoubtedly include SF, so it's probably best that it's delayed.

