5 May 2016

Daytime WSPRing today

The 10m WSPR beacon has been resynced to internet time. I have decided to stay on 10m and 630m WSPR all day today. 6m was a dead loss yesterday so I am not using 6m today.

UPDATE 0854z:  Overnight there we no 10m spots. 630m (472kHz) WSPR was more productive, although there were few stations copied and my best TX DX on 472kHz (5mW ERP) was just Holland. I have already been spotted in France and Finland on 10m WSPR and by G8LCO (58km) on 472kHz WSPR.

UPDATE 1226z:   Lots and lots of Es spots on 10m WSPR today - so many I have lost count!  On MF just spots from G8LCO.

UPDATE 1505z: 10m WSPR has been buzzing all day with 96 spots so far from all over Western Europe. A good day. No F2 propagation here, but made up with good Es.

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