29 May 2016

Cancer - NOT amateur radio

On of my wife's friends has, out of the blue, been told she has breast cancer that has spread. It was a total shock. It was picked up by a routine screening. She had had no pain or warnings. She has been told she has less than 5 years to live. Both my father and grandfather died in their 60s of heart conditions. I know my time is limited. Maybe I'll live to 95 or I could die next week. However I have hope. What she has been told is, in effect, a death sentence. I'd find this hard to accept. Clearly she is very worried. She has not been helped by her doctor who was rather uncaring about the whole thing. With cancer there is always hope. Some do recover and surely she should have been told this.


  1. Tell her not give up,there are new drug treatments being developed every day. She should ask her oncologist what treatment options are available i.e clinical trials of new drugs. Cancer is not a death sentence and survival statistics are improving every day.

