3 May 2016

2m UKAC tonight

A reminder that the 2m leg of the RSGB's activity contest is tonight 1900-2130z. The 2m leg is the first Tuesday of the month. With warmer weather, we can expect more portable stations active on hilltops.

As usual, I shall be on with 5W SSB QRP and my big-wheel horizontal omni antenna. 200km seems about my maximum range, although I rarely stay on for more than 60 minutes as my voice is so poor.

Not having to turn the antenna is helpful. If the station is a decent strength then it is worth calling. I usually go looking for others which I find is the best tactic with QRP. This is usually productive although I keep missing others using the same technique such as G2XV who is quite local!

UPDATE 2100z: In the end I worked 9 stations with best DX 172km. See map below of QSOs. Heard but not worked were stations in Wales, Cornwall and France. I had to give up after 60 minutes because of my poor voice.

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