11 Jan 2016

10m Es

There was wintertime Es about today on 10m WSPR with spots (lots) of my 500mW WSPR beacon from Germany and Hungary. At the time of writing, 1540z, there have been no DX spots and nothing at all on 6m.

UPDATE 1556z:  I think there are definitely fewer stations on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR, so the value of going on this mode diminishes. It needs a decent number updating to WSPRnet to get the real value from the mode. It is a pity there are not more people on WSPR. JT65 and JT9-1 really are 2-way modes and need me to be actually in the shack.  SSB is hard work for me at present and even CW requires my brain to work overtime! As I said before, I propose to use 2-way digital modes far more this year.

UPDATE 1756z:  HA4ULB (1456km) is still spotting me on 10m. I have also been spotted in Italy: classic wintertime Es.

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