23 Sept 2015

VW (and others?) scandal - NOT amateur radio

At the last count 11 million VW cars are involved. VW are in trouble big time and it is all their own fault. The executives and many at the top will rightly have to "carry the can" for this mess up. Surely, they had no need to blatantly cheat? Top executives should have known about this - no excuses!

Sorry, but I have absolutely no sympathy for this unethical business behaviour. They deserve to suffer for deliberately deceiving the public and the testers. It would not surprise me if some senior executives get lengthy prison sentences.

I have no sympathy as there is absolutely no place for unethical "carrying ons" like this in the 21st century. VW should have been above this sort of behaviour. They got caught cheating and they must take the full  consequences. This means fines, cancelled bonuses and prison.

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