23 Aug 2015

Met Office and the BBC - NOT amateur radio

Next year, the BBC will no longer use the Met Office for its weather forecasts. I have no idea who they will use instead. I very much doubt the forecasts will be any better, but at least they will be able to buy better seaweed, HI.

For a long time I have been critical of our weather forecasts. Yes, I know UK weather is complicated but as a minimum they should give a level of confidence in any forecast. Sometimes they are useless with even the forecast for a few hours hence being wrong. Often it is as good to look out the window.


  1. The BBC is being turned into a toy town TV company, we have already seen closure of Television centre, cuts to live F1, cut down Red button Info, axing of BBC3 etc etc..

    This is what you get when politicians are allowed to tamper with something that was once very good.

    If the cuts are allowed to carry on, we will be back to 2 BBC TV channels, one running part time with Test card most of the day like in the 70s, plus lack of detail toy town weather broadcasts.

    73 Steve

  2. I am not in favour of government interference in the BBC.

  3. It's the BBC Trust that is in charge of this stuff, as distinct from the the transmission
    facilities that were hived off to a separate company, now called Arqiva.


    None of whom understand broadcasting, programming or engineering. Most of them are financial consultants, venture capitalists and have business empires elsewhere totally unconnected.
    They are all money makers. Just like OFCOM. No engineers. Just business school graduates and entrepreneurs that don't know what a Kilocycle is from a Bicycle.

    Go on look them up !

    Never mind the quality, feel the savings.

  4. chairman of bbc trust - Rona Fairhead.

    Rona was Chairman and CEO of the Financial Times Group from 2006 – 2013, having previously been Group Finance Director of its parent company, Pearson plc. Prior to joining Pearson, Rona held a variety of senior positions in financial and global businesses including ICI plc, where she served as Executive Vice President of Strategy and Group Financial Control, and at Bombardier Inc, where she was General Manager of UK Aerospace Services.

    She is currently on the Board of HSBC Holdings plc and PepsiCo Inc and is Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC Northern America Holdings Inc.

    Rona has an MA in Law from St Catharine’s College, Cambridge and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is married with three children and lives in London.

    And you idiots pay her wages ;-)

  5. I think Steve is right - slowly but surely the BBC as we knew it is being "got at" in the interest of saving money. I have no problem with the BBC having to be efficient and not wasting our money (do we really need to send an entire team of people to disasters?) but there are limits.

  6. Roger, I wrote about this on my blog recently (http://www.amiga600.net/?p=610), where there is a link to a petition for the BBC to overturn this decision.

  7. Well, I do wish people with strongly held views would stop hiding behind "anonymous". I am seriously considering a ban on such postings. Although I have no problem with strong views that may be critical of me or offer a totally different point of view, at least have the courage to say who you are.

  8. OK, decision made. In future I will delete any "anonymous" posts where the poster has strong views but lacks the guts to reveal who he/she is. I reserve the right to make the final decision whether it stays or goes. I am NOT against strongly held views,even when these are directly the opposite of my views, I just object to anonymity in these circumstances. By all means express your views whatever they may be, if civil, but please say who you are.
