18 May 2015

10m Es this teatime, but no luck on 6m WSPR Es

It is currently 4.35pm local time and I see that my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has already been spotted 3 times by IK3JBR (1146km) by Es. I expect several more Es reports on 10m over teatime. Around lunch and teatimes are often good times for Es.

As yet today, no sign of 6m Es, here at least, although I continue to be on both 10m (500mW, 100% TX) and 6m (1W, 20% TX, 80% RX).  At this time of year, arguably, 6m is the more interesting band.  Both are good fun though and filled with surprises.

UPDATE 1800z:  Plenty of 10m Es about and EA8BVP (2986km) has spotted me 26 times today so far by F2 on 10m WSPR, but so far today just G stations spotting me and being spotted on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 2128z:  Late 10m Es in the form of CT1JTQ (1843km) at 2108z and EA8BVP (2986km) has been copying me all day by F2. However, no sign at all of 10m WSPR spots by USA stations either by F2 or multi-hop Es.  I think it is getting too late, although I shall be on 10m and 6m all night again.

1 comment:

  1. E's at teatime.. sure to get everyone dancing with joy!
    (sorry.. couldn't resist) Hugh G6AIG
