5 Mar 2015

W5OLF's WSPR beacon

See http://w5olf.com .

As a user for several months of a W5OLF WSPR 10m beacon OK I am biased. However, if your interest is a small WSPR beacon for 30, 20m or 10m then I can honestly recommend this kit. There are others  such as the Hans Summers "Ultimate" beacons. These are more flexible but they need several small PCBs. Jay's WSPR dedicated beacons fit on a single small PCB that fits inside an Altoids tin.  As my 10m unit has been copied all over the planet (including Australia and Antarctica), I can highly recommend this design. It really does work well. If you enjoy WSPR you'd be hard pressed to find a neater, smaller solution. I love it. Mine runs lots of the time. Usually it is started up at breakfast time and runs through until the DX disappears the following night. It will probably be on 24/7 during the Es season unless I want to work SSB,CW, FM or AM on the other rigs.

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