12 Mar 2015

USA 10m WSPR spots

10m yet again opened to the USA this afternoon. First USA station to spot my 500mW WSPR was K4RCG (5995km) at 1312z.

UPDATE 1410z:   It was a pretty uneventful morning on 10m WSPR.  The usual stations on the eastern fringe of  Europe spotting me plus a few inter-G stations until the band opened to the USA. At the moment the 10m band does not feel as lively as it did yesterday. Only 2 different USA stations spotting me so far today.

UPDATE 1506z:   10m seems to be lively now with all the usual USA suspects now spotting me again.

UPDATE 1920z:  The 10m opening to the USA ended at 1928z with WG2Z (5600km) being the last to spot my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon. Since that time just locals. Time to go QRT on 10m.

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