13 Mar 2015

USA 10m WSPR spots today

The first USA 10m WSPR spot today was from WB8ELK/01 (6872km) at 1342z.

UPDATE 1830z:   The 10m opening to North America is still in full swing.

UPDATE 1930z:  W8QYT (5798km) at the moment is the last USA station to spot my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon at 1912z. We'll see if any others spot me later. Somehow I doubt it.

UPDATE 2002z:  As if just to prove me wrong KB9AMG (6300km) has just spotted me at 1930z and again at 1932z!  K1OF (5500km) has now spotted me too as had WG2Z (5600km). This 10m stateside opening ihas not ended yet.

UPDATE 2056z:   K4BYN (6231km) has just spotted me. Opening still going strong.

UPDATE 2100z:  WB8ELK/01 (6872km) has just spotted me. I wonder if the end of the opening is near?

UPDATE 2115z:  Since 2056z all spots have been from G4IKZ (18km). I think the USA opening on 10m WSPR is now over.

UPDATE 2150z:   Just locals on 10m now for nearly an hour. QRT now on 10m WSPR.  A good day though.

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