3 Mar 2015

UKAC - 2m SSB tonight

Just 5 QSOs this evening on 2m SSB (5W pep) with best DX 204km to G7RAU on the Isle of Wight. As my antenna would still not rotate (bolts too tight) I decided to use the halo again, which is fed with lossy RG58 coax. I am very tempted to swap the rotatable antenna for stacked big wheels with low loss feed coax. Being omni would help in these contests as if I can work over 200km with the halo and lossy cable I'd be at least one S point better on stacked big wheels and a low loss cable. I could have worked far more if I stayed on longer but after an hour my very poor voice told me to stop. There were several workable stations in IO92 square. I worked none of these this evening.
Stations worked tonight with 5W + halo on 144MHz SSB.

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