28 Mar 2015

Stroke update on energy levels - NOT amateur radio

I am still suffering the after-effects of my Sept 2013 cerebellum brain bleed. My main symptoms remain that I feel permanently slightly drunk (in a slight fog), my speech is still poor as is my swallow of thin liquids, and my energy levels are still very low with the slightest physical or mental activity exhausting me.  I thought the latter might be low B12 levels, but supplements have made no difference. My fine motor skills must be better as I built a 40m Pixie kit recently and this would have been impossible a year ago. I can drive OK, but I have to concentrate hard.  Driving long distances is still not possible.

Overall, progress is being made on my recovery, although it is taking much longer than I was expecting. I guess these days the improvements are very small and harder to notice. At the moment, the exhaustion is the hardest thing to accept as I was a very active person.


  1. There's some good advice on the
    LongeCity website/forums.
    They're not simply trying to sell stuff.
    Vit D3 is worth looking at.
    The general vibe is nutrition should be got from food to get the synergy.
    There'some interesting stuff on there -)


  2. Thanks Tony - I'll check this out.

  3. Roger. I go there for health tips.
    The search function is probably best
    - they seem to cover a lot stuff..

