21 Mar 2015

Legal local AM broadcasting in the USA

On http://www.amateurradio.com/ there is a link today to the SSTRAN ANT3000 MW AM transmitter kit. This is legal in the USA for broadcasts around the home or with an FCC Part 15 compliant base loaded vertical for greater ranges.

Very many years ago my very first ever TX was an AM transmitter for MW using a crystal earpiece  a microphone. This was one of the circuits in my Heathkit Electronics Workshop which I got for Christmas 1961. It only got around the house. Another circuit was a MW receiver and I recall DXing with it that same holiday.

This kicked off my interest in radio and amateur radio that has remained with me ever since. I am not sure this TX was strictly legal in the UK. Years later I have reached the other side of the planet with less power!

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