16 Mar 2015

EA8/LA3JJ on 10m WSPR and no USA spots?

EA8/LA3JJ (2870km) has been spotting my 500mW 10m beacon nearly all morning. This counts as Africa, so my little WSPR beacon has been copied in 4 continents this morning.

UPDATE 1350z:  No USA spots, as yet, on 10m. It does seem as if the big, long USA 10m openings can no longer be guaranteed. It may open later - we'll see.

UPDATE 1355z:   EA8/LA3JJ has spotted my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon no less than 44 times today so far.

UPDATE 1500z:    Still no sign of spots from the USA today on 10m. If there are going to be any,  they will be very late, although I have the feeling that my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon will not be spotted in the USA today at all.

UPDATE 1615z:   Still no spots at all from the USA but EA8/LA3JJ has spotted my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon 95 times so far today.

UPDATE 1719z:   Still not a single spot from the USA, so it is now most unlikely I'll get any.  EA8/LA3JJ has now spotted me 120 times today! Propagation is fine in his direction.

UPDATE 1752z:   132 spots, so far, today from EA8/LA3JJ and very recently a couple of USA spots. Odd conditions?

UPDATE 2045z:  In the end 167 spots received from EA8/LA3JJ today.

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