19 Mar 2015

472kHz WSPR this evening

G8LCO tipped me off that my PC clock looked out of sync with internet time, so I reset it.  It was last synced before 0700z and it had clearly drifted.  I have just done another sync and will check again at bedtime before leaving things running overnight.

Best DX reception of my 5mW ERP from my earth-electrode "antenna" on 472kHz WSPR this evening is a spot by F1AFJ (607km) at 2014z.  I have been received much further (over 1000km) but not this evening so far.


  1. https://www.meinbergglobal.com/english/sw/ntp.htm This is what I use. But away in So called sunny Spain but seem to have found the plain with all the rain.

  2. Thanks Bob. The package I use seems to work well (I forget its name) but I need to update to internet time more often on this PC which needs its backup battery replacing.
