4 Mar 2015

472kHz WSPR - no surprises

I have remained on 472kHz WSPR and intend to continue through the night, but being Wednesday, Windows may try to install updates in the middle of the night and turn off the PC!   It should work until about 0400z. So far today, no great surprises with spots from G7NKS (46km), G3WCB (101km) and G8HUH (250km) of my 5mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna".

In the last 2 weeks 25 unique stations have successfully spotted my 472kHz QRP WSPR signal.

UPDATE 2200z:   PA0RDT (243km) has spotted me 4 times this evening. Local G4KPX (14km) in Ely  is spotting me too this evening.

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