30 Mar 2015

10m, 630m and 2200m WSPR

My little WSPR-AXE-CW beacon has been on 10m about 30 minutes. So far just G4IKZ (18km) spotting me but it is very early still. We are now approaching the Es season so there should soon be lots of Europeans on the band.

No new 472kHz stations overnight.

UPDATE 1026z:  Just G4IKZ so far today with zero DX on 10m o far. A disappointing morning so far on 10m WSPR. Of course, things may improve but the absence of even stations on the edge of Europe suggests a USA opening today is less probable.

UPDATE 1032z:   Only G3THQ (88km) spotting me on 472kHz WSPR and this was hours ago. All very quiet. I think there are fewer stations active on this band and mode than before? This certainly seems to be the case in daytime.

UPDATE 1325z:  Only 1 spot from EA8BVP (2986km) on 10m WSPR all day apart from local G4IKZ. So far a totally dismal day on 10m WSPR!

UPDATE 1800z:   Several spots from EA8BVP (2986km) but still no spots at all from the USA. Conditions across the Atlantic seem far worse now than a few months ago.

Maybe I need to try a new band? I fancy trying 136kHz (2200m) WSPR from this QTH as I think my earth electrode will be more efficient (bigger "loop in the ground") as I go lower in frequency. My best 136kHz WSPR DX from the old QTH was 250km. Some locals and semi-locals might copy me on 136kHz WSPR, although activity is very low on this lower band in the UK. I think some skeds would be needed.


  1. Hi Roger,
    Good idea to try 136 kHz, but keep in mind that the activity is very low on that band, especially with WSPR.
    Mike G3XDV is often in the air with Opera32, so at least you would have a signal to decode. I myself might also be active tonight, but my 20 milliWatt ERP will not reach you.
    73, Robert

  2. It could be some time before I fire up on 136kHz as I have to find and partly rebuild my transverter first and my building skills are still way below what they were because of my cerebellum brain bleed. G3XIZ, G3XDV, G6ALB and M0BMU might copy me on 136kHz WSPR if asked to come on and look. I can try OPERA too but it is some years since I used this and I'll need to download and install OPERA software.
