11 Mar 2015

10m USA WSPR spots today

WB8ELK/01 (6872km) was the first in the USA to spot my 500mW WSPR beacon today at 1328z. Quite a few other USA station are spotting me too. It was a good morning on 10m WSPR:  I was spotted in Western Australia twice.

UPDATE 2040z:   Opening to USA and Canada on 10m WSPR still in full swing.

UPDATE 2104z:   USA stations still spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon.   It is now several hours after dark here. Will this opening never end? I shall stick on 10m until this opening ends. At some point the band will just die out to the USA. The last 2 spots were -16 and -19dB S/N. Often signals are strongest just before the band dies out on a given path.

UPDATE 2125z:    This is amazing. Just a few moments ago my 10m 500mW beacon was still being spotted by WB8ELK/01 (6872km). I am staying on 10m for a while yet.

UPDATE 2215z:   It looks like the opening to the USA ended (for me) with the 2118z spot by WB8ELK/01. Only locals spotting me since then. Considering 10m was only expected to be "fair" it was in good shape with a couple of spots by Australians this morning and a long opening to North America this afternoon and this evening.

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