5 Mar 2015

10m - USA today

So the 10m band has yet again opened across the Atlantic with KB4SC (6560km) spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon at 1312z and several times since. Others are also copying me.

UPDATE 1748z:   Plenty of 10m WSPR spots from the USA received all afternoon and still continuing.

My 500mW 10m WSPR-AXE-CW beacon created by Jay W5OLF continues to work flawlessly. It is so tiny yet just works. It takes about 15-20 minutes to settle (I think the reference drifts as the PA warms up?) and I sync to internet time once a day, which is probably far more frequently than needed. Once running, it works perfectly with nothing else needed, no PC, nothing.  All continents were reached within weeks on 10m to a simple wire antenna.  At some point I may build a 20m version which is 1W. On 10m 0.5W seems fine.

UPDATE 2042z:  At the moment, it looks like N0UR (6535km) was the last USA station to spot my little 10m 500mW WSPR beacon at 2014z. Since then just local G4IKZ (18km).

UPDATE 2205z:   No further USA spots since N0UR at 2014z.  Now QRT on 10m WSPR until the morning. Still active on 472kHz WSPR.

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