27 Feb 2015

Frog 40m transceiver

This is the Pixie's "big brother". I have mentioned it before in this blog. It has more power than the Pixie and a better RX.  It costs just over £15 with free shipping from Hong Kong. Some suppliers sell it built for this sort of price! This is a real bargain.

I think it uses an NE602, with an attenuator pot in the receiver.

The image is on the eBay page and will be removed immediately if a problem.

See http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Frog-Sounds-HAM-Radio-QRP-Kit-Telegraph-CW-Transceiver-Receiver-Radio-Station-V3-/251405614850 .

See also: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/qrp-transceiver for lots of QRP transceiver bargains.


  1. Hi Roger,

    Yes you are right. It does use a 602 for mixing incoming signals with the LO also performed by the 602. There is a second xtal at the same freq as the LO acting as a bpf in the path of the incoming signal which helps eliminate any AM breakthrough. This is most certainly an advantage over the pixie design.

    My Frog has an output of 1w into a 16m random wire with harmonics down at least 30db according to my simple spectrum analyser.

    Good luck with getting your pixie on the air. If you fancy trying for a pixie/frog sked just let me know. I have xtals for both 7.023 and 7.030 . My cw is still quite poor but I really enjoy the challenge hihi. We are about the right distance for a daytime QSO with our antenna setups.

    De Andy

  2. But more importantly, how's the Pixie?


  3. Trying to get energy level up to test the Pixie. At the moment I feel totally exhausted. It is built but now needs testing.

  4. I am slowly learning to listen to my body: the smallest thing makes me VERY tired. I hope these post-brain bleed symptoms eventually go, as they are making my life very hard. Testing a Pixie would have been trivial 18 month ago, but it has become SO tiring these days.

  5. Certainly good to listen to your body Roger. Most probably the build took it out of you. Small steps are best.

    De Andy

  6. As you may have seen, bench testing went well. On-air test Sunday morning with local G6ALB who is 3km away (time TBA) on 7.023MHz.

    Bench testing - although simple - has left me exhausted!

  7. If I want to change operating frequencies do I have to change both crystals or can I change just one? If so, which crystal would I change?

    If one crystal is being used to filter out broadcast interference could I just leave that one in and swap out the other crystal to change frequencies?

    If not, could something else replace the crystal as the band pass filter?
