1 Jan 2015

No USA yet on 10m!

For the first time in months, there is no reception (yet) of my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon in the USA. Things way well change later this afternoon. Conditions certainly have started poorly on 10m this year.

I notice the path from the USA to Germany was open earlier though.

UPDATE 1356z:  I spoke a moment too soon!  W3CSW (5886km) was copying me just a few moments ago at a respectable - 19dB S/N.  Later than in previous days, but there! Since then, there are plenty of 10m WSPR spots from the USA.

UPDATE 1746z:  10m was closed to the USA very early today with K9AN (6505km) spotting me last at 1556z. This is is the earliest for months, even though the evenings (not mornings yet) are getting a bit lighter.

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