31 Dec 2014

All time blog high

Yesterday saw the highest daily blog visit numbers ever.  I did post quite a few times, but I am still puzzled why there were so many visitors as I said nothing exceptional.  Perhaps more people are on holiday so they have more spare time? My other, more general, blog (see http://qss2.blogspot.co.uk/) did quite well for visits too.


  1. I expect it was the "Jack Jones NO!!" headline appearing in the various feeds and newsgroups that got people curious.

  2. Hello Roger, I think it has to do with the multiple posts you do most days. People like to read the latest news may be? Or it has to do with a link in my blog from yesterday. Probabely "Jack" did find you that way. Sorry.

    I wish you and yours a prosperous and healthy new year. 73, Bas

  3. Well it was also very busy on MF WSPR too, nice to see many new stations transmitting, at one time the G8LCO 24Hr Spot total was 27 on MF. Hope it grows in 2015.

    Great to get a signal from David on MF!

    I thought that Roger's stunning good looks and journalistic flair might be the cause of his popularity as he does not do cooking recipies but then I must agree with the others, we need to get Roger a wooden leg and a parrot. Whatever you do DON'T MENTION PIRATES!

    Great DX in 2015 for all,
    Alan G8LCO.
